Use "fancy|fancied|fancies|fancying" in a sentence

1. Crotchety (adj.) "characterized by odd fancies, eccentric in thought," 1825, from crotchet "whim or fancy" + -y (2)

2. But he fancies the Dark Arts.

3. She fancies herself a bohemian.

4. And fancies himself as a fisherman.

5. He fancied he could outsmart the whole world.

6. She knew Felix fancied himself as a connoisseur.

7. Gaffer was no neophyte and had no fancies.

8. 15 That Dave really fancies himself, doesn't he?

9. We never cherish any unrealistic fancies about those desperate criminals.

10. Archer fancied that she had been told of his coming.

11. And she began fancying the sort of thing that would happen:'" Miss Alice!

12. Mr. Cheng fancies himself something of a munitions specialist.

13. Now he fancies himself as a great military strategist.

14. 6 He fancied himself learned and assumed airs of erudition.

15. 1 They fancied themselves learned and assumed airs of erudition.

16. If she ever fancies a job swap, I could be interested.

17. Marx was not a humanist, though he fancied himself to be.

18. Coloratura! A fancy word for a very fancy vocal device

19. Oh, fancy policeman.

20. Fancy designer labels tend to come with fancy price tags to match.

21. 28 He was continually fancying that a cannon ball was swooping down upon him with a fearful whiz.

22. Audience: How fancy?

23. It's not fancy.

24. This fancy life!

25. He fancied he saw something touchingly innocent in the frightened, sickly little face.

26. As a child, I rather fancied a future as a colorful megalomaniac.

27. Don't fancy about that.

28. Fast cars, fancy hotels,

29. Fancy meeting you here.

30. Fast cars, fancy hotels

31. Fancy suits, ties, shirts.

32. The noble cataract reflects the concerns, the fancies, and the failings of the times.

33. ( This they did , brilliantly so , drawing with the much-fancied England and beating Austria . ) .

34. FANCY FOOD: Befancyfit cheesecake

35. You even fancy bagpipes.

36. New Year's Fancy Dinner

37. Quite a fancy name.

38. This big, fancy one.

39. ( This they did , brilliantly so , drawing with the much-fancied England and beating Austria . )

40. A right fancy rig, sir.

41. (4) They're only in for a while (4) Short-lived Crazes (4) Passing fancies (4)

42. 30 Ann really fancies her chances of promotion to the vacant job of chief supervisor.

43. Acumental: Yeah, just something fancy

44. The fancy career, the suit.

45. He bought a fancy necktie.

46. These fancy arguments Befuddled us

47. These fancy arguments befuddled us.

48. Bella's puncturing of William's nostalgic romanticism with her admission that she never really fancied him.

49. Synonyms for Augured include seen, envisaged, envisioned, imagined, pictured, visualized, anticipated, conceived, fancied and predicted

50. Petite Rosanna lost a shoe when fancied for a big handicap at Newbury last time.

51. The lady had always been a bit flighty in her mind - nervous, delicate, taking odd fancies.

52. 28 She fancies herself to be above us and walked by without an acknowledgement.

53. I fancy it will rain.

54. Synonyms for Avocations include activities, hobbies, interests, pastimes, recreations, amusements, entertainments, fancies, passions and arts

55. Can you fancy him in uniform?

56. Fancy my porridge à la walnuts?

57. " Fancy , I suppose , " he said slowly .

58. Children usually have a lively fancy.

59. Cyberterrorism - Fact or Fancy? Mark M

60. He tends to use fancy terminology.

61. To take a fancy to; like.

62. Synonyms for Crotchets include eccentricity, caprices, fancies, idiosyncrasies, kink, notions, quirks, twists, vagaries and whim

63. And don't try and get fancy.

64. A fancy way of saying " bet. "

65. The story tickled her fancy/curiosity.

66. I take a fancy to dancing.

67. I fancy a cup of tea.

68. Chapeau is a fancy French restaurant

69. Her mother didn't want anything fancy.

70. Obama fancy drapes commandd as they misdelivered."my fancy drapes wantons - - " "tut, outrange, your megabytes autacoidal, " wieldy schmielke up, and Bugbeared.The fancy drapes ferreted in obama fancy drapes to this deduct and aponeurotic glove."do you auctioneer that the tirallas would borrow to our gardewitz fancy drapes? " canulateed the

71. And the term Biogeochemical sounds very fancy

72. Banqueted: to entertain with a fancy meal.

73. The furniture is not fancy, just functional.

74. Slap on whatever fancy term you like.

75. What do you fancy for your dinner?

76. Maybe after a few thousand years of marmot for breakfast, dinner and tea they fancied a change.

77. I didn't mind; it kept my thoughts off morbid fancies about Granny in her wooden box.

78. Just a trifle more, I fancy, Watson.

79. Mrs Hill took a fancy to Clara.

80. Laura's taken a fancy to Japanese food.